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contoh kalimat manila bulletin

"manila bulletin" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Manila Bulletin Publishing Corp. Archived from the original on October 29, 2009.
    Manila Bulletin Publishing Corp. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal October 29, 2009.
  • On occasion the editorial policy of the Manila Bulletin has met objection from civil authorities.
    Terkadang kebijakan editorial Manila Bulletin telah menemui keberatan dari otoritas sipil.
  • The Manila Bulletin calls the school "China’s most prestigious and renowned art academy".
    The Manila Bulletin menyebutnya sebagai "akademi kesenian terkenal dan paling prestisius di Tiongkok".
  • The Manila Bulletin claimed that its use (and alteration, creating derivative works) of the photographs constituted fair use.
    Manila Bulletin mengklaim bahwa penggunaannya (dan perubahan, menciptakan karya turunan) dari foto-foto tersebut merupakan penggunaan wajar.
  • Manila Bulletin also had the most number of loyal readers with 42% of its readers not reading any other broadsheet title.
    Manila Bulletin juga memiliki jumlah pembaca setia terbanyak dengan 42% pembacanya tidak membaca tajuk surat kabar lainnya.
  • The Manila Bulletin came second with 47% (1.17 million readers), while the Philippine Star was third with 42% (1.05 million readers).
    Manila Bulletin berada di posisi kedua dengan 47% (1.17 juta pembaca), sementara Philippine Star menjadi yang ketiga dengan 42% (1.05 juta pembaca).
  • It was during his term in 1990 that the Inquirer took the lead from the Manila Bulletin to become the Philippines' largest newspaper in terms of circulation.
    Pada masanya ini pada tahun 1990 Inquirer mengambil alih posisi Manila Bulletin sebagai surat kabar terbesar di Filipina dalam hal sirkulasi.
  • However, on the same day, a Manila Bulletin article said that Manny Pi?ol, the Philippines Agriculture Secretary, said that Duterte actually asked for clemency for Veloso.
    Namun, pada tanggal yang sama, artikel di Manila Bulletin menuliskan klarifikasi dari Manny Pi?ol, Sekretaris Departemen Pertanian Filipina, bahwa sebenarnya Presiden Duterte memohon kebaikan hati pemerintah Indonesia bagi Veloso.
  • Latest Q2 2016 Nielsen Consumer and Media View results put Manila Bulletin, with 48% share of the total Broadsheet market, as the most read Broadsheet in the Philippines.
    Hasil Q2 2016 Nielsen Consumer and Media View terakhir menempatkan Manila Bulletin, dengan pangsa 48% dari total pasar lembar lebar, sebagai surat kabar yang paling banyak dibaca di Filipina.
  • The photo blogger had discovered that photos that he had taken and posted online had been used by the Manila Bulletin in the "Travel & Tourism" section of its March 21, 2007 issue.
    Blogger foto tersebut telah menemukan bahwa foto yang ia ambil dan pasang secara daring telah digunakan oleh Manila Bulletin di bagian "Travel & Tourism" edisi 21 Maret 2007.
  • It presently bills itself as having the fourth-largest circulation of the newspapers in the Philippines, beating the Manila Standard, but still behind the Philippine Daily Inquirer, the Manila Bulletin and The Philippine Star.
    Saat ini surat kabar tersebut memiliki sirkulasi terbesar keempat di Filipina, mengalahkan Manila Standard, namun masih berada di belakang Philippine Daily Inquirer, Manila Bulletin dan The Philippine Star.
  • The newspaper was owned by Filipino-Chinese business mogul Emilio Yap, who, aside from the Manila Bulletin Publishing Corporation (the paper's controlling company), also owned and chaired the Manila Hotel, Centro Escolar University, Philtrust Bank and Euro-Med Laboratories.
    Surat kabar ini dimiliki oleh mogul bisnis Filipino-Tionghoa Emilio Yap, yang, disamping Manila Bulletin Publishing Corporation (perusahaan pengendali surat kabar ini), juga memiliki dan mengepalai Manila Hotel, Centro Escolar University, Philtrust Bank dan Euro-Med Laboratories.